1. Academic Validation
  2. Cytotoxic effects of four Caryophyllaceae species extracts on macrophage cell lines

Cytotoxic effects of four Caryophyllaceae species extracts on macrophage cell lines

  • Pharm Biol. 2014 Jul;52(7):919-25. doi: 10.3109/13880209.2013.868492.
R Gevrenova 1 O Joubert Tsv Mandova M Zaiou Y Chapleur M Henry


  • 1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University-Sofia , Sofia , Bulgaria .

Context: Saponins have been reported to possess antitumor properties, to inhibit angiogenesis and to induce tumor Apoptosis.

Objective: To test the possible cytotoxic effect of crude extracts from four Caryophyllaceae species including Gypsophila paniculata L., Gypsophila trichotoma Wend., Saponaria officinalis L., and Dianthus sylvestris Wulffen on cultured monocyte/macrophage cell lines.

Materials and methods: After acid hydrolysis of the methanol-aqueous extracts, two representative prosaponins of the Caryophyllaceae, gypsogenin 3-O-glucuronide and quillaic acid 3-O-glucuronide were purified using solid-phase extraction (SPE), then identified by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray/mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI/MS). Cytotoxic activity of the crude extracts at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 200 µg/ml was evaluated on rat alveolar macrophage NR8383 and human monocytic THP-1 cell lines. Apoptosis was determined by measuring Caspase-3 activity.

Results: Quantitative analysis by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) revealed a high content of gypsogenin 3-O-glucuronide in Gypsophila species roots (0.52-1.13% dry weight). At a concentration ≥10 µg/ml of crude extracts, a significant reduction of NR8383 and THP-1 cell lines viability was evidenced using the Trypan blue exclusion test. D. sylvestris extract exhibited the highest toxicity against THP-1 cells. Caspase-3 activation was evidenced after 4 and 24 h incubation of macrophages with 100 µg/ml of S. officinalis and G. trichotoma extracts, indicating Apoptosis induction.

Discussion and conclusion: Crude extracts from the assayed species revealed cytotoxic effects toward macrophage cell lines. In Gypsophila species, gypsogenin 3-O-glucuronide derivatives could be responsible for the observed cytotoxicity. Therefore, crude extract of Caryophyllaceae is worth investigating for the potential development of agents against Cancer cells.


Apoptosis; Dianthus sylvestris Wulffen; Gypsophila paniculata L.; Gypsophila trichotoma Wend.; Saponaria officinalis L.; caspase-3; gypsogenin 3-O-glucuronide.
