1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Transcription factor E2-alpha

Transcription factor E2-alpha


Transcriptional regulator involved in the initiation of neuronal differentiation and mesenchymal to epithelial transition (By similarity). Heterodimers between TCF3 and tissue-specific basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins play major roles in determining tissue-specific cell fate during embryogenesis, like muscle or early B-cell differentiation (By similarity). Together with TCF15, required for the mesenchymal to epithelial transition (By similarity). Dimers bind DNA on E-box motifs: 5'-CANNTG-3' (By similarity). Binds to the kappa-E2 site in the kappa immunoglobulin gene enhancer. Binds to IEB1 and IEB2, which are short DNA sequences in the insulin gene transcription control region (By similarity).; [Isoform E47]: Facilitates ATOH7 binding to DNA at the consensus sequence 5'-CAGGTG-3', and positively regulates transcriptional activity.

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