1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Alpha-N-acetylneuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase

Alpha-N-acetylneuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase


Catalyzes the addition of sialic acid in alpha 2,8-linkage to the sialic acid moiety of the ganglioside GM3 to form ganglioside GD3; gangliosides are a subfamily of complex glycosphinglolipds that contain one or more residues of sialic acid. Can catalyze the addition of a second alpha-2,8-sialic acid to GD3 to form GT3. Can use GM1b, GD1a and GT1b as acceptor substrates to synthesize GD1c, GT1a and GQ1b respectively. Can synthesize unusual tetra- and pentasialylated lactosylceramide derivatives identified as GQ3 (II3Neu5Ac4-Gg2Cer) and GP3 (II3Neu5Ac5-Gg2Cer) in breast cancer cells.

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